Hey friend! I’m Amber. Join me every Monday for a new episode!

When you focus on the good (& God!) the good gets even better. Featuring conversations with special guests that dive beyond surface level. 

Hear testimonies of faith from people like Chris Tomlin, Cody Carnes, Katy Nichole, and more! You'll discover moments God has spoken to them loudest, miracles they’ve experienced, lessons they’ve learned, and how all of it has influenced the lives they live!

The host, Amber Vreeland, was previously a Radio Host at her local Christian Radio Station off and on since her senior year of high school, only taking breaks to focus on University studies. One day, after interviewing worship leaders at a Christian Music Broadcasting Conference, she realized she wanted the conversations to live permanently somewhere where they could continually encourage people. So The Good Gets Better Podcast was created!

 Amber encourages you to look beyond the battles you're facing, and to remember that God is, will be, and has been faithful time and time again. The goal is for you to leave inspired, encouraged, and excited to grow closer to God and to spread the love of Jesus to those around you.

The name “The Good Gets Better” is rooted in Ambers favorite quote; “When you focus on the good, the good gets better.”

Amber hopes when you hear these testimonies of faith that you will not only leave encouraged and inspired, but that you’d also have a new appreciation for each guest. The good will get even better!